Part public journal and part lifestyle guide, this is the digital playground for my thoughts and creative projects

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Sketchbook: Color Practice
Art, Design, Sketchbook Art, Design, Sketchbook

Sketchbook: Color Practice

My sketchbooks are devoid of color usually because I run out of steam or I don’t want to “ruin” a sketch I like, but I found in this practice I was really enjoying the process. It didn’t have to be perfect and I was looking forward to making mistakes. Or in the words of the great Bob Ross: happy little accidents.

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I Wanted Black Walls and Now I Have Them
Design, DIY, Home Decor Design, DIY, Home Decor

I Wanted Black Walls and Now I Have Them

Using a starch medium, fabric is adhered to the walls and can be removed by saturating the fabric with water and peeling the fabric off. The fabric can then be laundered and reused. Typically, people use this technique to take advantage of the wide variety of prints available in fabrics, its relatively low cost as compared to using wallpaper, and its damage free removable aspect.

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The Hypocrisy of Man
Little Notes Little Notes

The Hypocrisy of Man

When I think that humanity can create healing medicines, antibiotics, and vaccines; create music and art; study the stars and explore the depths of the oceans; but also drop bombs on hospitals, rape and pillage land in the name of technology and progress, and divide people along arbitrary lines like skin color or religion I wonder, “What is to become of us?” We have the ability to form our world any way we see fit and we chose this? Avarice shrouded in the lie of noble pursuit leaves the world broken, bleeding, and on fire.

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Little Notes: Doing The Thing
Little Notes Little Notes

Little Notes: Doing The Thing

My dreams are big and wild and wonderful, but I don’t want to just dream them. I want to live them and I want to help others live them too. If I can be an example of what’s possible for just one other person I’d be so thrilled. I’m being that example for myself and it feels so damn good.

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Sketchbook: 2024 Birthday Gown Design Progress
Design, Sketchbook Design, Sketchbook

Sketchbook: 2024 Birthday Gown Design Progress

Right now I’m thinking gold and white with flowing ethereal vibes. Sparkle, drip, elegant, soft, petal, bold are the words that come to mind when I think of what I want to feel and look like when I step out in it. In the next week or so I’ll be illustrating ideas for the final look and will begin gathering materials to make it happen.

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Developing A Sewing Pattern Line

Developing A Sewing Pattern Line

A collection of home sewing patterns was my first business idea that I really loved, but I was too resource limited to try 10 years ago. I opened an online boutique and while that was nice while it lasted. Though I learned a great deal from it, it ultimately wasn’t what I wanted. Things have become a lot more equitable and accessible to make my sewing pattern line idea happen.

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Maximizing Space: Temporary Setup for a Portable Cutting Table

Maximizing Space: Temporary Setup for a Portable Cutting Table

My most active hobby is sewing, but having a cutting table ready to access 24/7 would make the space feel cramped. I thought about using my dining area for instead but it turns out I really enjoy having a dedicated spot to eat and socialize when friends come over. For years I’ve used one tried and true solution that’s low tech and relatively affordable.

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Little Notes: You Will Always Be A Work In Progress
Little Notes Little Notes

Little Notes: You Will Always Be A Work In Progress

I first started writing this post back in November 2021. As you can see, we’re well past that time and yet what I have to say is probably more relevant for me now than it was even then. Since 2020, my life has had so many twists and turns. Some I was eager for and some I dreaded. Some things came unexpectedly but led the way to new experiences and challenges that, ultimately, I benefitted from in ways I couldn’t have imagined before.

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