Stitching The Stash
In an old iteration of this blog I had a fabric stash challenge. Well, I’m bringing it back because I never conquered the stash and I didn’t have the heart to part with all the yardage when I hadn’t given it a solid try. So, I’m stitching down the stash and setting a hard fast limit for how long it will take. I have a few reasons for doing this:
- I need room in my closet
- I actually want the things I bought this fabric for
- I can’t afford to buy new fabric right now so I need to use what I’ve got
- I want to make good on my good intentions and finish some damn projects
For now this is my approach to conquering the stash. One project every two weeks. Even though I think most of my projects I could get done in a weekend, the reality is such that I need to give myself a time buffer because life happens and I have more going on than constructing clothes. If I counted correctly I have about 29 projects so that translates to 58 weeks for a total of 14.5 months of stitching away the stash. Some projects won’t need the full two weeks so I may be able to get more done sooner than scheduled. I really don’t think it will take a whole year, but that’s what I’m giving myself. I may keep a bit of fabric that didn’t get handled if it’s part of a project that would take longer than two weeks to accomplish, but whatever I haven’t managed to get done in that time as a part of the two week challenges will be donated so that I can move onto projects I’m currently excited about.
I’ll be using self drafted and store bought patterns. For the purchased patterns I’ll do reviews for you and for the self-drafts I’ll talk about the process. The projects I have planned are listed below and as I post about them I’ll be updating the list with links to the individual projects.