Part public journal and part lifestyle guide, this is the digital playground for my thoughts and creative projects

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Fighting Against Perfectionism or Why I Postponed Finishing My Bday Gown Until After My Birthday
Little Notes Little Notes

Fighting Against Perfectionism or Why I Postponed Finishing My Bday Gown Until After My Birthday

Ivery much want to be good at everything I set out to do. I think most people do. That desire isn’t wrong or terribly unreasonable. But did you know that ability, time, unforeseen happenings, and being fallible — human— are all factors that affect outcome? I know that, yet sometimes I think I can overcome any challenge anyway. Insufferable, no?

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My First DIY Sew-In Weave
Hair Hair

My First DIY Sew-In Weave

I got myself a curved needle, hair weaving thread and net, a pack of hair, and a free evening. I cornrowed my hair and painstakingly sewed on the net. Old episodes of Girlfriends kept me company as I cussed and questioned if I should keep on, but I kept on.

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Interior Design As Therapy
Home Decor Home Decor

Interior Design As Therapy

Let me take you back to the Winter of 2017. I was entering, what I wasn’t aware of at the time, a depressive episode. Nothing I did was getting me out of what I realized wasn’t just a momentary funk. After some conversation with my doctor, she said that I was showing signs of depression. She commended my efforts to stave off the effects but that maybe I needed to try something else.

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Unleashed At the Beauty Supply Store
Hair Hair

Unleashed At the Beauty Supply Store

Though my plans for my wardrobe have remained stagnant, my beauty routine however, has entered a new renaissance. In part due to the medical crises I had earlier this year and my mission of generally having more fun while I exist on this planet I began to reevaluate how I do everything.

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Happy To Be Here
Little Notes Little Notes

Happy To Be Here

Now that things are somewhat stabilized for me I want to take baby steps with getting my blog and everything else in my life back on track. I plan to start regularly posting again in October.

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